Day 4

Baldichieri d’Asti to Bruzolo


63 miles (343 total) / 102 km (552 total)

Elevation gain:

1,562 feet (6,083 total) / 476 m (1,854 total)


Another early start, leaving before sunrise just before 6. We decided to skip Alba to both conserve energy for the climb tomorrow and keep away from the midday heat. We left when it was 19°c and for the first time zipped our jerseys up to keep warm. We passed through the town of Casanova, but Steve wasn’t willing to have his picture taken beside the sign 😦

As we weren’t in a hurry we took it easy, arriving at the hotel just before 12pm, when it had just reached 35°c. The hotel wasn’t ready for us so we were forced to go to the local bar for a drink, or 2! Tomorrow is basically a big climb followed by a big descent. So we don’t get to the top too early when it’ll be quite cold we’re having a lie in, the alarm’s set for 5:30!

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